i wont vote.
waste of time.
wont read papers lately.
skrg baru nk terhegeh2 maju kan inila, itula.
im not one of the stupid rakyat that will fall for all the bullshits talk.
barang naik, minyak pon nak naik lagi.
hows dat going to help the rakyat konon2nyer?
we have got more people suffering and tak ckup mkn.
and u all sibuk mengkayakan kroni2 yg semmgnyer da kaya?
majukan itu, majukan ini..
think wisely.
murahkan barang, murahkan all the foods, murahkan daily things.
and people can eat. people can work hardly. people can live.
why want to raise the tolls?
i dont even see any improvements.
still got motorcyclist in the middle of the road and menyusahkan nk memotong.
if i accidently hit them, who should be blame?
me right? it will not be the motorcylist fault for riding in the right side of the road!
should build a special road for motorcycles since there’s a lot of motorcyclist here
in this country.
but where does all the money for d toll go?
i wonder…
i gave u an example here. In america, executives have the same salary with us, 2000 katakan..
their foods,example biscuits, cornflakes or watsoever can be bought as low as 1 dollar. that goes
for detergant also. their branded clothes, GUESS for example, can be bought as low as 20 dollars.
their cars also cheap. correct me if im wrong.
but for us, belilah barangan buatan malaysia pon, semuanya mahal! gaji executive pon dlm
lingkungan 2000 gak, beli makanan pon mahal. sume nak naik. kalau baju2, paling cikai pon leh
dpt 15rgt. kereta malaysia pon mahal.. nak2 sama harga ngn outsiders nyer.
day by day, rakyat makin susah.
this will lead to keruntuhan moral and watsoever.
ewah, mcm wat karangan pmr lak.
but im still thankful for living in malaysia.
its just that im not satisfied buying papers yang dari page awal ke akhir, all about.. ergh
nothing useful or berinformasi.
nk ktuk mengutuk, wat le paper sdri.
waste of money.
im sorry if this blog is terlampau.
but i dont think so.
im saying ere wat others r saying oso.
save the people, save the world. (as said in heroes, i changed the cheerleader)
u want to majukan ape2, help the rakyat first.
i luv malaysia.. islam is d way..